3-session Find Your Inner Win package. These can be used for individuals or teams:
Session 1 This session is all about learning more about you or your team, and creating a plan tailored to your specific issues and goals. Session 1 overview: – We review you or your team's detailed history and identify your specific athletic goals. – You learn the basics of the relentless and awareness parts of our formula. – We formulate a mental training plan for these sessions. – We begin working the plan with at least one tool, antidote, intervention for change work. Session 2 This session is all about becoming fearless and mastering emotions. Difficult emotions are a natural part of sport and life that very few people know how to deal with and therefore, they fear them. This is a core life skill that transfers from performance to all areas of your life: relationships, career, academics. Session 2 overview: – You or your team members learn how to become fearless and master your emotions. – You or your team members are provided with our powerful confidence-building methods. Session 3 This session centers around our mental practice protocol which includes a super-efficient goal setting process. Once the long term goal is embedded in the inner mind, the body takes over and makes it happen. This is way beyond your typical “visualize yourself performing well” basics. Session 3 overview: – Long term goals are embedded in your inner mind. – You or your team members learn a powerful process to clear past mistakes and regrets, and use as a tool in competition. This contributes to being fearless and relentless and clears the destructive beliefs and programs at the level of the inner mind. Session 4 - Bonus Session After you or your team members have completed your first 3 Find Your Inner Win sessions, together we will determine if you are ready to move forward with learning self-hypnosis. |